这是问题折腾了我好久,一般的设置都搞过了,包括Internet选项的内容中相关的修改,flash ax7.0安装,网页中flash就是显示不出来-显示为‘X’。也网上找了很多相关-也就是叫你安装插件之类的,没什么用。后来看到有位仁兄有我一样的'遭遇',原来官方有专门的这方面问题的对策-这让我想到了上次DAEMON TOOL的虚拟光驱卸载不掉问题,也是到官方论坛上发现解决方案的,看来以后难缠的问题要直接搜英文的。扯远了,回到正题,按官方的说法:
This error can be caused by a "kill bit" entry installed in the Windows registry. This type of registry entry is usually created by an ad/pop-up blocker installation. Uninstalling the pop-up blocker will not necessarily remove this registry entry.
# re: IE安装了flash插件还不能显示swf动画的问题 回复 更多评论
2007-05-27 09:56 by Bluekylin
Download the Windows Flash Player 9 ActiveX control content debugger (for IE)